Social commerce (تجارت اجتماعی): تفاوت میان نسخه‌ها

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مهندسی فن آوری اطلاعات - تجارت الکترونیک

طرح تحقیقاتی: تجارت اجتماعی
'''مریم اولیایی'''
[  1-A review of factors that influenced online trust in social commerce ]
[  1-A review of factors that influenced online trust in social commerce ]
[ 2-From e commerce to social commerce- A close look at design features]
[ 3-Social Commerce: An E-Commerce Perspective]
[ 4-Influencing factors of trust in consumer to consumer electronic commerce with gender and age]
[  5-The impact of consumer trust on attitudinal loyalty and purchase intentions in B2C e marketplaces- Intermediary trust vs. seller trust]
[ 6-Website features that gave rise to social commerce- a historical analysis ]
[ 7-What motivates customers to participate in social commerce- The impact of technological environments and virtual customer experiences]

نسخهٔ ‏۱۱ اکتبر ۲۰۱۵، ساعت ۰۷:۵۳